Adventure Game (demo)

2022 ยท Berlin / Tel Aviv

This is a first demo version of our interactive, music-theatrical video adventure game. Launch the video player and start the adventure!



In the near future, we will fundamentally revise the concept of the adventure game and start a new, large video production. Until then, we welcome any comments, suggestions, praise, criticism and the like that help us to develop the project further. So feel free to write to us at:

produced by Trio Transmitter

Benedikt Bindewald – violin
Florian Bergmann – bass clarinet, clarinet
Alba Gentili-Tedeschi – piano

Rilli Willow – voice
Rafael Antonio Bergmann – melodica
Stella Adriana Bergmann – recorder

composition: Benedikt Bindewald and Florian Bergmann
video concept and editing: Benedikt Bindewald

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